In brief: Zoom. BOOM. In depth: Torchwood is back. After an undisclosed period of time after the deaths of Owen and Toshiko, life in Cardiff goes on as, well, normal. That said,…
Tag: review
Review: Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
In brief: Boom! Smash! Plot! Smash! Boom! In depth: Firstly, a little tip: Never, ever sit in the front row of the cinema when watching a Transformers movie. That was yours truly…
Star Trek Review
In Brief: It’s lived long, and now it finally prospers. In Detail: It’s been a very, very long time since I’ve watched the popular folk around me gasping as photon torpedoes smash…
Red Dwarf : Back to Earth Special
After a long wait with several rumours of a return in the form of a movie, ten years on and we – the Red Dwarf fans – finally have our comeback special….
Doctor Who: Easter Special 2009: Planet of the Dead
One down.
Three more to go.
Let’s get serious people!
To elaborate – this is it folks. Strap yourselves in for this adventure because it’s fun, tongue in cheek and a fast, furious ride. If you’ve read any interviews you’ll know that this is probably what RTD might call his last chance for a ‘light hearted’ romp in the Whoniverse. If you can call strangers on a London bus being dragged halfway across the universe by a wormhole and then being hunted down by an alien swarm ‘light hearted’.
But this episode doesn’t really dwell on the scary moments for longer than, well, a few moments. It’s about crashing through…
Star Trek: Alternate Realities DVD
With the vast number of releases sweeping through the genre at the minute, this DVD could easily forgiving for slipping out under the radar. This has been out in the United States…
Stargate Atlantis: Season Five: The Shrine
Absolutely, utterly fantastic.
In detail:
This is, quite probably, my favourite episode Atlantis to date. It is, for me, Enterprise’s ‘Cogenitor’, or SG-1’s ‘Abyss’: the episode that rises above the average or mediocre content surrounding it, and elevates itself into not only a good episode, but simply one of the strongest.
Stargate Atlantis: Season Five: Ghost in the Machine
Decent, yet confusing.
In detail:
The absence of Tori Higginson (Elizabeth Weir) certainly screwed over the Replicator story line they had set up for her. “Ghost in the Machine” is a valiant attempt to continue that story without her. And, for the most part, it does a good job.
Michelle Morgan, who plays the consciousness of Weir in Fran’s body, does a reasonably good job of imitating the mannerisms and vocal expressions that Higginson brought to Weir’s character. Her performance is strong, and in the quieter scenes with Teyla/Sheppard/Fran I found myself truly believing this was still Weir. That’s an achievement of performance on Morgan’s part.
Stargate Atlantis: Season Five: The Daedalus Variations
Thank goodness. A glimmer of hope. Nothing outsanding, nothing overly memorable; but it was better. A nice sci-fi concept nicely realised with minimal garbage. Atlantis should try this more often.
It’s been a few weeks since viewing the episode unfortunately – busy times have afflicted me, so I’m writing a few weeks later with only a hurried re-watch for guidance. Here are my thoughts, anyway.
Stargate Atlantis: Season Five: Broken Ties
Continued mediocrity.
In detail:
Jason Momoa (Ronon) can act, at least a bit. This episode proved that. He had some truly nifty scenes throughout here, and there were indeed strong moments from Sheppard, Teyla and Woolsey.
That’s all that redeems this episode in any way. The plot is truly awful. Barely existent. “Broken Ties” follows on from last season’s “Reunion” (which was average) and manages to further cloud and confuse Tyre’s character.
Doctor Who: Series 4: Journey’s End Review Part 2: Saying Goodbye
Spoilers contained herein. Now it comes to the real point of this episode ““ saying goodbye. First to leave the TARDIS is Sarah Jane. Perfect Ten lands the TARDIS in a London…
Doctor Who: Series 4: Journey’s End
This review comes in two parts, due to length and detail and brilliance.
In-brief: Big. Though something lingers…
Let me say this first of all – this episode is good.
After four years, this is where we are now. This is how Russell T. Davies chooses to end his tenure as the producer of Doctor Who. It’s an epic plot, tying together all of the strands from his previous forays into this universe, and indeed those who have come before him. There’s a certain amount of glee here in the concept of the Doctor, and perhaps that is the problem. As much as I wanted to love this episode, I have to say, it simply wasn’t as spectacular as I wanted it to be.
Stargate: Continuum Review
In-brief: Pleasantly delighted. In-detail: Following the decidedly average Stargate: The Ark of Truth, I wasn’t really holding out too much hope for the second movie. It sounded tagged-on, perhaps even somewhat unnecessary….
Doctor Who: Series 4: The Stolen Earth
In-brief: I’m about to explode.
This is it.
This is what Russell T. Davies has been building up to for the last four years of nuWho.
This is Doctor Who firing on all cylinders. Full out rush from start to finish and my Gods, it is brilliant.
Stargate Atlantis: Season Five: Search and Rescue
It’s a review. Expect spoilers. This episode has not yet aired in the United States. In-brief: So, here we go agian. In-depth: As per usual, the Stargate Atlantis season premiere leaked online…
Doctor Who: Series 4: Turn Left
In-brief: Catherine Tate’s finest hour?
Before I analyse, let me say this: that was absolutely spectacular.
I have to say that first simply because for the last 20 minutes I was absolutely riveted by the action on screen and I found myself near the point of crying out at the tv for Noble Donna to do what needed to be done.
So, review.
Read more…Doctor Who: Series 4: Midnight
In-brief: Disorientating, but not in a bad way…
This episode is a very strange one because I do believe I liked it, and it told some interesting concepts is a very tight manner.
We begin on the leisure planet of ‘Midnight.’ It’s an isolated location because the planet is found in orbit of an extonic star which emits a radiation type that prevents any form of life as we know it from existing outside of sheltered habitat. Also, there’s no kind of atmosphere so that prevents the whole breathing process quite handily.
Read More…Battlestar Galactica – Revelations – Alternative Review
In-Brief: Wow. In-Detail: If you have to get divorced in order to see this episode, it’s definitely worth it. I’m not going to waste time providing an episode summary, since Mr. Cogley…