This Holiday season, let’s take a trip back to 1968. Let’s sip our Nog, and contemplate the terrible-wonderfulness that is “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.” If you’re in the mood for some bad Sci Fi…this one’s sure to top the Holiday list.
Author: Maya
Maya is an actress, scifi fan, and self proclaimed "Chocolate Chip Cookie aficionado."
The Interview – Post Apocalyptic Comedy
The Interview, a short film by Michelle Steffes is here to bring a little comedy the typical post apocalyptic tale of woe. The concept is simple: What happens when the second to last man on Earth needs a job?
No jeans and t-shirts for these ladies…they come from the future!
No jeans and t-shirts for these ladies…they come from the future! Science Fiction and Fashion go together like Kirk and Spock…like R2-D2 and C-3PO…like, well, Manolo and Blahnik Don’t believe me? I know it’s not something many of us consider on a daily basis, but stop and think about the incredible significance costume design plays in our favorite shows. Where would our beloved characters be without their metallic shoulder pads, angular hems, or the infamous unitards?
Doctor Who Paper Craft
Doctor Who PaperCraft