Have you ever wanted to predict the future? Here’s your chance – Marvel have announced their release dates way up until 2019 and only some of the projects have been named. Can you tell which film is which? What might be Avengers 3 or a Black Panther movie or even a Black Widow solo film? Have a look through the dates, and let us know what you think. Bear in mind that these are American release dates – Marvel have tended to open their films slightly earlier in Europe.
- Avengers: Age Of Ultron on 1/5/2015
- Ant-Man on 17/7/2015
- Captain America 3 on 6/5/2016
- Marvel Untitled – 8/7/2016
- Marvel Untitled – 5/5/2017
- Marvel Untitled – 28/7/2017
- Marvel Untitled – 3/11/2017
- Marvel Untitled – 6/7/2018
- Marvel Untitled – 2/11/2018
- Marvel Untitled – 3/5/2019