The good folks over in Middlesbrough, UK producing Chipped have created a 16 minute (ZERO BUDGET!!!) trailer for their show.
Not heard of it yet?
In brief, a group of unchipped rebels fight for survival against the hordes of chipped and against the fractured government remnants.
Set for release mid-2014, Chipped is a sci-fi post-apocalyptic series set ten years from now. Crime rates are a lot worse than they are now, as well as unemployment and a lack of benefits to go around. England is in complete chaos. The government decide to introduce the chip. It becomes compulsory. A chip is inserted into the brain and the government can track everyone via satellite and control the chaos. It works, England is at peace. The whole world then follows.
A year later the satellite becomes infected with a computer virus and everyone who has been chipped becomes a controlled killing machine. By who or what is unclear. We follow a gang of survivors who rebelled against the chipped and are now fighting just to stay alive.
Let’s be clear, this is not yet a professional production. They’re doing some fundraising at the moment to help them finish he show, and from the looks of what they’ve made so far, it’ll be a decent series.
Want to help? Pledge at Kickstarter.
Trailer looks utter wank.
Defo amateur hour.
Yes, it is amateur. But it’s pretty good for zero budget.
No, it’s just plain bollocks.
Post the trailer for your show then mate. Show us how it’s done.