Lucky Nugget reviews the impact on mobile gaming of Apple’s decision to use HTML5 and Adobe’s announcement to stop supporting Flash in future versions of Android
Back in 2010 Steve Jobs, the then-chief executive of Apple, announced that Apple would not support Adobe Flash. The primary reasons were that Flash was slow and used too much battery power. Instead, Apple concentrated on HTML5, claiming that it was potentially a superior platform for rich content including multimedia and video.
Adobe continued to develop Flash for Android mobile devices and currently it is implemented in 90% of Android phones, however to an extent Adobe has now leaned in a similar direction to Apple and in June 2012, following on from a previous statement in November 2011, announced that Flash will no longer be supported by Adobe for the latest and future versions of Android, including Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Instead the company is moving to Adobe AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) for mobile applications. This cross platform environment is now considered to be better than Flash due to its compatibility with HTML5.
Fortunately Lucky Nugget Online Casino UK has been one step ahead of the game. When Apple made its announcement in 2010, (check out this article if you don’t remember how they did it) an HTML5 version of the mobile US casinos was already ready to go. It was quickly rolled out to be used by the 15% of clients who connected to the casino through an iPhone, iPod or iPad. Since rolling out the Apple-compatible software, there has been a 5% increase in that market sector. Accordingly, there has been a recent review of King Kong Cash slot, another early adaptor of the compatible tech, which shows staggeringly high approval ratings. The majority of online clients use Android mobile devices and these already benefit from the fact that Adobe AIR is now used to develop the standalone downloadable applications, so already the mobile casino is futur-proofed, and does not rely on future Android versions being able to run Adobe Flash.
Around 20% of Lucky Nuggets Online Casino’s revenue is now generated from mobile users, most of that coming from Mobile Slots and with Adobe and HTML5 compatibility users of all the main smartphone and tablet operating systems are fully served and their experience of online gaming will be device-independent, just try this!