Jeff tipped us off to this fun little site called StoryCasting.
You start by picking a book, and then selecting the main characters and then casting those characters using whatever film and TV stars you like.
Each cast is a vote for that actor in that role, and the favourites rise up into the Top Cast.
What’s more, the site is free.
According to the site, nearly 100 real authors have come on and cast their own work. A bit pretentious, perhaps, but it’s all in good fun.
It’s a good site to play about with if it’s a slow day. I’m about to sign up and suggest UK Comedian Bill Bailey be cast as Gimli in the Lord of the Rings. You know it was meant to be.
Bill Baily as Gimli – GREAT! Actually, we have long contemplated two other versions of the site. One would be “StoryCasting-Classic”, where ALL the actors are dead. Yeu can use any dead actor you like in the role, and we would supply pictures at several ages. The other would be “Storycasting-Crazy”, where you can cast using any character, living or dead, real or imaginary. So, if you want to propose Mutiny on the Bounty, you can have Captain Bligh played by (for example) Homer Simpson.
Jeff Reid