The BBC have confirmed that relatively unknown British actor Matt Smith will take over from David Tennant as the world’s favourite Time Lord in the next series commencing 2010.
Smith will be the 11th incarnation of the Doctor on a series which has run since 1963.
The Northampton-born is in the upcoming Moses Jones, and has previously appeared in Party Animals, Secret Diary of a Call Girl and The Ruby in the Smoke.
Stylistically, Smith is not a far cry from Tennant’s own image potential. Both young, energetic and potentially trendy, the change is not as dramatic as some had hoped or feared. And although he looks like the drug addict in your local alleyway and boasts an impressive nose, he seems a plausible candidate for a fanatical new fan base.
The 26-year old becomes the youngest to have ever played the role.
Please leave your feedback here and build-up some reaction to the new appointment!
Personally, I’m a little disappointed.
I was hoping they’d have more of radical departure from David Tennant. Now, it is of course difficult to tell at this early stage just how similar the two will be, but indications aren’t good.
They’ve stuck with the young brown-haired white male fomula, where I was hoping they’d have roughed the show up a bit more – something to mess up the formula – and maybe help the show continue to evolve.
I’m not saying Smith’s appointment is the end of all things and he may turn out to be similarly talented to Tennant, but if that proves to be the case, I have fear that the producers would be tempted to cling tightly to the same type of Doctor for too long.
I’m rather excited.
I mean, yes, visually he doesn’t appear to be that radical a departure from David Tennant. But maybe that’s the point.
Moffatt has gone on camera stating that Smith’s interpretation of the Doctor was a bold new vision. Those are strong words from a man who has written some of the finest episodes of nuWho.
I also think that Moffatt’s series five will be reasonably different from RTD’s tonally. Russell always had a penchant for big, wide humour and I can imagine Moffatt being much more subtle.
I’m very intrigued by the casting because it has gone against all expectations. I think through nuWho’s return it has very much cast it’s Doctor as much more of a younger looking man than previous years.
And of course the Doctor is so much more than he looks. I wouldn’t be half surprised to see that Moffatt and Smith’s Doctor will be strong and authoritarian where Tennant’s would be manic and expressive. Perhaps an obvious spin, the younger looking man behaving like the older but who’s to say…
For me, now, the big question is who will they cast against him as the companion? That will be the real test. Older or younger?
If it’s older, how will a companion react to the instructions of a much younger looking man? How will a younger companion respond to someone close to their own age in physical appearance?
And of course, now, it’s the countdown has really started from Ten to Eleven.
Seeing as Steven Moffat had a hand in choosing, I don’t think the casting of Matt Smith is a mistake at all. He’s got more prep time than previous Doctors have had, so by the time it comes to filming in 2010, he should have his Doctor character nailed and ready to go. Best of luck to him. He wouldn’t be anywhere as bad as Sylvester Mcoy was
That’s a fair point – another year to prepare to take up the role. That should be more than enough time for anyone…
I’m actually quite encouraged by the dark nature of the photography that’s come out of Smith so far.
Tennant’s first promo shots were quite natural, whereas these are very intentionally in an almost film noir style more akin to the Ecclestone era.
That can only be a good thing, imo.
I quite like the photography, too. But I think it’s important just to mention that I don’t think these photos are meant to imply that this is what Eleven will be wearing… it’s just tone setting… something to hint at what’s to come…
My thoughts exactly. :)
He deserves a chance at the role although David will always be MY Doctor, now and forever. I am glad they went with someone young as the role has become quite physical and I would hate for that to change. I can see a quirkiness in Matt that is needed in the role as the Dr.
Who knows when we wills see him here in the USA, Scifi needs to step up and order the 2009 specials and the 2010 season which would air 2 weeks after the UK. If they don’t we will have to wait a year for it to air on BBCA which is a lifetime..
The adventures of Dr Who 90210 continue as this week he battles a nasty case of acne. Oh, and the daleks. Does seem like the divide between Dr and companion is ceasing to be a divide in age and its more like they’re on a high school date than an adventure. There is little to make him distinct from Tennant, just more of the same, and that distinction has always characterised regeneration. These actors offer no sense of wisdom or worldliness to the role, sadly.
Doctor Emo
I hate to see David Tennant leaving the show. I was only recently introduced to Doctor Who. I saw a few episodes right before the Doctor reqerated. I was surprised how they changed to a new character. I just hope that Matt Smith is just as good as previous Doctors.
I’m a long time fan of Doctor Who (I’m in my 50’s) & think that David Tennant has been the best & the most fun of all the Doctors. I also hope Matt Smith is just as good as previous Doctors.
I would like the Doctor to remain straight, though, because as a straight woman, I like the hit of romance he has with his female companions.
I wish that they would have a girl doctor, that would be entertaining. I’m really sad to see David go tho, he’s awesome! but this kid- looks like he just wants to be David. Come on- is this a teenage soap opera or Doctor Who?
I’ve nothing long and handsome for this subject, to say the least. I don’t exactly like his appearance.. the man looks just a bit to smug don’t you think?
Anyway, I was annoyed when they brought Tennant into it also.. but he turned out to be my (and many other’s) favorite Doctor. Quite frankly I was annoyed when they brought eight in.. and nine. Time Lords can only regenerate 7 times. We’re already close to the 11th, and there’s been hints of more to come (Silence in the Library, Forest of the Dead. River Song talks about different versions of the Doctor, future regenerations.)
I’m incredibly peeved at the whole damn Doctor Who series from the movie with 8 and up to now.. but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop watching.
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