Variety Magazine have confirmed that CBS’ sci-fi/drama series “Jericho” has been cancelled.
In addition, Carol Barbee (co-executive producer on Jericho) has confirmed the news to Subject2Discussion radio show in Los Angeles.
According to online sources, the crew of the show were informed of the cancellation today.
One source on a popular web forum states that the cancellation has been confirmed by a member of the cast/crew of Jericho on the official CBS message boards, but that the producers have already begun trying to move the show to another network.
The news comes less than a month after other reports appeared online claiming Jericho was not only set for a second season pickup, but would also be moved to a new night to escape American Idol.
CBS are set to unveil their new Fall schedule tomorrow, so absolute confirmation will arrive with that announcement.
Jericho debuted to strong ratings in the Fall of 2006, and the decline in those ratings hasn’t been enormous since. What does a show now need to do before it’s cancelled? Jericho’s ratings were NOT poor. It was holding second for the hour each week. Does a new drama now have to win its hour each week to assure itself a place in the next years line up? Has American television really become that pathetic that shows aren’t given any chances?
Yeah, looks like it has.
Jericho is one of the best shows to grace network TV in a long time. I, like many of the dedicated fans of Jericho am trying to let CBS know that they made a poor decision. If you feel like I do, please take the time to visit and se how you can help. I wonder what CBS will do with all the nuts they are getting
this sucks no more CBS for me!!
This was an awesome show. One of the only ones I would actually take the time to watch. It MUST come back!!!!! Everyone I know loved it. Bring it Back!!!
SAVE JERICHO..the best show i have ever watched..
you have got to be kidding me… whats wrong with the television network you get a good show and now because your #2 you cancel well heck people you cant be #1 all the time…. you need to bring back this show. i cant be stuck with more american idol and dancing with the stars.. help me.
You have to understand that in this decade, there are a lot of people who do NOT like TV shows that question the government.
We are supposed to hate muslims, we are supposed to hate “the terrorists”, we are supposed to listen to our government, we are supposed to not question their intentions.
“Jericho” had no muslims, it had a questionable government, it had americans preying on each other.
I’m sure a group of powerful christian conservatives, rightwing pundits, and wealthy republican interests had an influence in telling CBS to shut it down.
No more CBS for me!
Steve Savage wrote:
>May 24th, 2007 at 12:31 pm
>You have to understand that in this decade, there are a lot of people who do NOT like TV shows >that question the government.
>We are supposed to hate muslims, we are supposed to hate “the terroristsâ€, we are supposed to >listen to our government, we are supposed to not question their intentions.
>“Jericho†had no muslims, it had a questionable government, it had americans preying on each >other.
>I’m sure a group of powerful christian conservatives, rightwing pundits, and wealthy >republican interests had an influence in telling CBS to shut it down.
Dude I seriously am glad I like the the USA then. Over here, the government tells us muslims aren’t the problem, but that it is radicals that use religion as an excuse. And every move our President makes is questioned and ridiculed at every turn by the press and the Democratic party and now by those in his own party.
And if the folks at the Justice Dept told CBS to shut it down, 60 Minutes would become 24 Hours and throw an I-told-you-so party with Dan Rather as the guest host.
Enjoy your koolaid and don’t forget to wear your sneekers so you’ll be ready when you get to the Mothership :-)
This is the last straw for a lot of viewers. We’re tired of taking a chance every fall by viewing the new shows the networks offer up, only to have them yanked out from under us after 3 or 4 episodes or pulled after an entire season, with no closure whatsoever. I for one am boycotting all new CBS shows come fall. Any chances I take from now on won’t be taken with their network. I don’t want more reality TV, and certainly not a concept like Kid Nation replacing what was arguably the best show on television. I also don’t want more crime, medical, or legal show knockoffs. I want originality. I want quality. I want my “Jerich” back!
“”You have to understand that in this decade, there are a lot of people who do NOT like TV shows that question the government.
We are supposed to hate muslims, we are supposed to hate “the terroristsâ€, we are supposed to listen to our government, we are supposed to not question their intentions.
“Jericho†had no muslims, it had a questionable government, it had americans preying on each other.
I’m sure a group of powerful christian conservatives, rightwing pundits, and wealthy republican interests had an influence in telling CBS to shut it down.””
If the truth be told if any group in the U.S Of A were to question Government and actualy start pulling away from its dibolical institutions like the Public school system it would be centered in conservative values. Liberals are to dependant on Government to ever question it much.
Have you noticed the Mayor of Jericho has not been terrorizng Citizens into paying taxes so liberals and continue aborting babies on the tax payers tab? Opps, so much for gun control to.
Maybe liberals called for the show to end since there were no militant homosexuals in the show demanding to end free speech?
You know, I am sick and tired of trying out new shows only to have them cancelled abruptly after a few episodes or at the end of the first season. “Cheers” ended it’s first season in 83rd place, but NBC nurtured the show (like the networks used to do) and it wound up as the number one show. The networks used to give their shows a chance to find an audience, even if it meant a season or two. Today, a show must be an instant hit; the networks have no patience. Then the networks moan that their ratings for all shows are way down. If they would stop alienating viewers by moving shows all around the schedule so they can’t be found and cancelling shows right and left, maybe viewers would actually start to return. Also, I am sick and tired of all the reality shows. Just because they are cheap to produce does not mean they are good shows.
Well wasn’t that the whole problem with jericho? It was liberal. It showed that people needed to form communities, people needeed to work together against an oppressor. People were at their best when times were worst. People needed to forget about being “Rugged Individualists” and become humble and help others, even if it wasn’t in their own personal best interests.
I’m sure I offended many conservatives, but you really have to look at your own value systems in a more honest light. Bring up clinton, public schools, taxes all you want as an issue to deflect blame, but Jericho represented the exact opposite of conservativism. People in the show forgot about making money and started worrying about how to help the community (example: the bar, the grocery store). People wheeled and dealed to get needed items, and that violence against a neighbor was a bad thing (New Bern) even if the intentions seemed to be rational (New Bern was starving). It was a town becoming socialist, where the people took control of their own destinies rather than let the government do it.
Sorry folks, but of Jericho was run by a bunch of religous conservatives everybody would have starved to death. Jericho ain’t coming back, you can thank the Falwell and protein shake Pat Robertson for it all.
This was not about politics. It was about garbage. Look at the shows on television today. Violence and sex, and anything that’s not ends up in the trash bin. Most of the people I know who watched Jericho faithfully were conservative Christians tired of the sex, violence, and lack of morals that corrupts today’s network television prime time lineup. We have sex shows, reality shows that teach people to lie cheat and steal to get what they want, and then we have the few good shows that are actually…clean. Invasion (cancelled after one season), Vanished (cancelled after 6 episodes), Jericho (cancelled after 1 season), Drive (cancelled after 4 episodes), and the list goes on. We keep raunchy, filthy sitcoms, reality shows, and crime drama shows (that’s ALL that’s on anymore) and soap operas where the main characters have slept with everyone else in the cast within the first 5 episodes.
Politics? no.
It seems the networks only wish to sell garbage and as long as we watch it, that’s what they’ll keep selling.
I’m giving up CBS. I won’t watch anything on that station anymore. And if the other networks do this, I’ll give those up too. There’s always the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, and the Learning Channel.
6/03/07-I am just finding out about the cancelling of Jerico. WHAT!!!!! I love that show, it’s the one good show they had going for them. I hope they have a change of heart by the coming fall. It’s not too often we get quality shows. Hero’s and Lost are excellent shows as well, though they are on another broadcasting company. Lost cut it close (getting cancelled), but they got another 3 years.
Help Save Jerico!!!!!
I watch Jericho and I am a conservative.
Who wants more Government Liberals or Conservatives?
Conservatives make less money but give about 1/3 more than Liberals so I don’t know who would be starving.
Funny thing is the actress Cassidy Rae is a commited Christian …hmmm sounds like a right wing conspiracy to me.
Where we watching the same show …greed, making money, hording was not apart of Jericho.