Every name in Hollywood has been linked with Trek XI this week, with almost credible rumours pointing to Ben Affleck, with mentions of Tom Cruise, Goran Visnjic and many others.
The question is, will Abrams look for a strong, well-known lead to carry his story. Looking at Lost, where most actors were relatively unknown (except perhaps Terry O’Quinn), it appears unlikely if he follows this lead. Bear in mind, however, he just directed Mission Impossible: 3.
Er.. Your kidding right?
Ben and Tom?
If Paramount ( Abrams) does this then we will all know Star Trek is Dead, and they no longer care about Trek.
Ben and Tom will be used just to sell tickets. Do we need Ben and Tom (either one) for Trekies to go boldly to box office?
I say, ” Heck No! ”
Both Ben and Tom have been in the news alot lately with not so good publicity. Although they are both fine actors in their own right, I don’t think they are the type of people Trek Fans want to see on the screen as our heros.
Of course, if you want to cover them with makeup, lets say, Ugly Klingons and kill them off early, thats just find by me.
I could be wrong. I wonder if someone could take a poll on this. Should Ben or Tom be in Star Trek?
It seems to me most of the ‘New Faces” we have seen in the Trek movies have worked because they were not very popular actors and was not type cast either before nor after Trek.
If Ben and Tom are in this film, I may have to go see it with Eyes Wide Shut.
John Phoenix
New Orleans