Serenity brought home the top prize last night on BBC Film of the Year 2005, winning the public poll and beating competitors such as Batman Begins, Sin City, Star Wars Episode Three and Crash. Joss Whedon appeared in a video clip to thank voters.
Watch Serenity winning (High Quality) [41mb]
Watch Serenity winning (Low Quality) [4mb]
Thanks to Zol. for supplying the videos!
Note, you can play these videos in QuickTime player, or in Windows Media Player if you download the 3ivx Codec.
Would have been nice to get a credit for supplying the vids :(
btw, the hi-rez vid doesn`t like Quicktime too much probably a codec thing
There is only thing I can think to say right now. Shiny!!! =)
Thank you very much for hosting these vids!!! And thank you very much Zol for supplying them :-)
Zol, as usual, YOU ROCK!!! I missed this on TV and was so gutted, cause I love Jonathan Ross, and I know he has good taste, but now I saw it! YAY! Thank you.
You know, I had a feeling Serenity would be in the top ten movies, but I was very (happily) surprised to see it at number one! Thanks again Zolitaire! You’ve made my day. *hugs*