In a recent interview with Gateworld, Stargate SG-1’s Ben Browder (who plays this season’s new lead, Colonel Cameron Mitchell), said “I’m game for Season Ten!”
“I’m very happy that there is [going to be] a Season Ten. Obviously it was a concern coming in on Season Nine, ‘Would this be the last year? Would this work?’ To the degree that it has worked and people have tuned in, it’s a pleasure to have the opportunity to come back and do more.”
“As long as I’m enjoying doing it and as long as they continue to be able to pay me to do it, [and] as long as Rob Cooper and Brad Wright want to do it and the stories are engaging,” he says. Ben did admit that the constant flights back to Los Angeles to be with his spouse and two children are stressful, but worth it.
That’s pretty interesting, to be honest. I have a lot of respect for Browder has a guy, since he does both his own stunts, and now, apparently, has to take constant flights back on forth. That’s impressive dedication.
For the rest of the interview, and Ben’s thoughts on the finale and Michael Shank’s possible deperature, please visit