Doing my usual browse of the internet today, I stumbled across an interesting letter sent to the editor in the San Luis Obispo (CA) paper.
It reads as follows:
Recent news about the avian flu virus has raised concerns from main street to the White House. There is the possibility, even likelihood, that the virus will mutate into a form that can more easily infect humans.
As the president pointed out, a vaccine cannot be made until this evolution occurs.
This raises the concern that it may be impossible to create enough vaccine fast enough to protect all our citizens. But there is hope.
Gallup polls tell us that up to 45 percent of Americans don’t believe in evolution. Since random mutation is the engine of evolution, these same people must believe that the virus cannot mutate.
Therefore, there is no need to waste vaccine on folks who believe there is no possible threat to themselves — thus leaving a sufficient supply for the rest of us. Perhaps the president, given his doubts about evolution, may wish to demonstrate his leadership by foregoing vaccination.
This approach has added benefits. Polls also tell us that disbelief in evolution is more pronounced among the less educated, the poor and conservatives. If the anti-evolutionists among these groups were to opt out of vaccination then, through immediate deaths and natural selection, we would reduce poverty, raise educational attainment and become a more progressive society.
Now believed to be from:
Steve Anderson
Arroyo Grande
(Original was: George R Zug
Divis. Amphibians & Reptiles/mrc162
Smithsonian Institution)
Very true.
Very clever!
Very succinct.
45% of the US does not accept evolution ???
They should become extinct :)
It makes me wonder what they do believe in!
That’s funny. Trying to stand up your story, I too searched the San Luis Obispo Tribune. There I found the original letter that you attribute to George Zug, signed by someone called Steve Anderson, of Arroyo Grande. So, who’s plagiarising whom here?
Thanks for that.
Yes you’ve raised an interesting point, but the source at which we found this letter (actually not the San Luis Obispo) gave us that name.
But you do appear to be correct, and we will post a retraction immediately.
Thank you.
Out of interest, our copy of the letter can also be found on a number of sites, for example: