Posting on our forums, Ascension Events organiser Heather Amos posted a shout out to all guests both booked and on the fence.
Please take a moment to read:
I am calling on you to give me some feedback in connection with my Convention ‘Ascension’ taking place in Cardiff at the end of November. Firstly , whilst it is not solely a Dr Who Convention we are placing special emphasis on the series . We have Paul McGann as our special Guest (along with Jim Mortimore & Mike Collins,) but are currently also looking into additional Guests – with the enormous popularity of the Big Finish Audio tapes we are talking to Paul’s ‘companions’ – Conrad Westmass and India Fisher and should like to know if these Guests are of interest?
We also of course have our other Special Guests Von Flores/ Robert Leeshock (Earth: Final Conflict) and Eugene Roddenberry – all of whom are travelling a long way to spend the weekend with us. This is Ascension Events first initiation on to the Convention Circuit and it’s essential we get it right – i.e. talk to you about the format and what you would like to see , if you show us support and help make this first one a success then we can establish it as an annual event. I really do need your feedback with regard to the Event, i.e format, costs etc – your ideas
Please take a second to drop me a reply or PM
Thanks for your time