It has come to my attenion (and the attention of many others) that recently inducted Pope Benedict XVI bears a striking resemblance to none other than Emperor Palpatine I of the Galactic Empire. This unsettling discovery has upset many worldwide, believing the Roman Catholic Church is now headed by a powerful Sith Lord.
Is this the same man?
There are of course, those who doubt, saying this is nothing but Protestant propaganda, and those who preach such are simply seperatists, and indeed evil themselves. Such doubters reason that if the pontiff truly was a Sith Lord, the other Bishops would have sensed it. Still, others claim the clergy of the church have had their vision clouded by the Pope, and simply cannot see truth.
Is the Pope really a dark lord? Or is this nothing but silly rumour spreading caused by a vague resemblance? Only time will tell.
Pope or Palpatine? You decide
rofl, so that’s where he’s got to
[ You cannot spout religious hatred, and if you argue it wasn’t hatred it certainly wasn’t backed up by your opinions ]
can you send me a copy of that yay its the pope thing
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